Share price holding up wellWell it's good to see GOT holding strong after a strong run up in the share price over the past week. Still months away from the start of drilling but with a limited supply of shares I think we will be well above a dollar by the time drilling starts but we could continue to see some wild swings in the share price. Huge potential with this one. I would like to see them raise even more money and do an aggressive drill program this summer and strike while the iron is hot. The golden triangle is the spot to be for exploration companies this year. SKE has a market cap of 800 million and ESK has a 400 million market cap so investors know this region has huge potential and any hint of success is being well rewarded. GOT with a market cap of 30 million is peanuts considering the awesome geology on their property showing high grade gold over significant widths. Any new investors should go to GOT's website for lots of important information before making your decision on becoming a shareholder. But I can tell you it looks really impressive!!!