Dont worry everything is going back to normal, remember. Theold normal from the temporary new normal.
Remember fall of 2019, the old normal then??????? The article is explaining the new April 2020 REPO (FIMA) financing by massive new
QE money printing, because the covid-19 virus is crashing the world into depression.
The article above refers it was already happening (ALREADY HAPPENING), fall
of 2019.
"Keep in mind, the Fed began running repo operations in the
US last September (me- 2019). That’s a signal that there was
already significant rot in the financial system long before the
coronavirus pandemic.
The Federal Reserve calls the new FIMA repo facility temporary.
It also claimed its domestic repo operations short-term, but even
before the coronavirus meltdown (me- ie fall 2019), there was no
sign of an exit strategy (ie we were already heading towards a
recession/depression). "
Now you know why I think MPG (Multiple Personalities disorder Guy) is a piece
of shiittt !!!! Everything is crrap coming out of his mouth.
He knows microeconomics better than me, but I don't give a dammn, about that.
I'm a macro economic type of guy, and all I care about.
It's working crrapolla, both the world and the west !!!!!!!!
There is no gold winning, no matter how much you make off of it, if there is no world
working right. Period !!!!
A bad world will always catch up to you and eat you up, and either eliminate by spitting
you out dead or eliminate you out the other end, dead.
Why do you think prouditalian is not posting anymore and doens't care. He's probably
not in the US anymore. And doesn't want the US to know where he is.
Why is Trump moving out the the US into the southern carribean region.
He won the impeachment trial and doesn't have to leave the US to
escape prosecution or anything like that, from the swamp aka democrats
and big corrporations, pharmaceuticals, banksters, wall street, FED,
central banks and institutionalize bureaucrats.
It's the US itself, it's sick. It's the swamp and he needed another (ie 2nd)
term to get rid of it. But they outfoxed him and got rid of him.
Not that Trump would have helped the world one ioda. He's not the
kennedy democrat party type, that was doing that. And why the kennedys
and democrat party they represented were assassinated and doen't exist
The new kennedys hardly dream for running for office or the highest office
or going up against the now communist democratic party. Or the swamp
that would just kill them again.
The UN was suppose to be USA numberr two, over the whole world.
Getting rid of the two US semite parties (marxist democrats and jesusists
Republicans) that won't allow that, because one the democrats aremaking
the UN (as well as the US ) into communist central. And allowed it to be
made into that by the republican party.
Because the the jesusist communist republican party is waiting for the world
to fall apart to get Pope and vatican central communism over the whole world
again. By a jesus that so call comes back as a 'ROD of IRON'. As Greg Mannarinno says, YOU CAN'T MAKE THE FREAK SHOW UP.
That's how god runs it.
You guys starting to get the picture? Is a LIGHT BULB going off?
Last night's Greg Mannarino's video ended off around the 10.45 minute point,
saying that people want to be lied to because I guess it is too scary to hear the truth
or to know what to do witht the truth.
And absolutely hate truth tellers. Now I know why I am not liked !!!!!!
Ugh, scream, and utter exasperation !!!!!!! I say pretend god is a good being (and may be ultimately) and uses evil as the mother
of inventions. Ouch !!!
Praise the semites how great they are and gave us civilization.
There will be no recrimination and relaliation of the semites for their later wrong
The hell with yahweh and jesus who are obviously hoaxes as last link shows.
Make the 2 world parties no longer the US 2 semite ones, which are destructive,
absurd and freak show. And never allowing to go beyond that to a world
constitutional world republic/democracy gov't
But the parties the old classical greco/roman progressive party, liberal and conser-
vative, by reason, shaman religion, science constitutions, rule of law, now Nikola
Tesla's real advanced physics and antigravity technology to the stars (the reptilians
don't want to happen and be bothered like that, and why use proxies, the semites,
to make sure it dosen't happen. Likewise with other emerging planets' civilizations
in their empire and sector of deep space it comprises. Small compared to the
whole milky way galaxy).
The majority of the world's peoples representing the more liberal party side of that.
And the elites, corporations, banksters, central banks, pharmaceuticals, military
and smaller portion of the world's peoples, (the west I guess) representing the more
conservative party side of that.