RE:Road to ROF everything, railway not so muchGM Another Noront assassination of KWG. Up to their old tricks again. Deflect from their own limitations. Facts are: They have been looking for a gold partner for two years:::::::::no takers They have been running drill programs and come up with nothing of consequence. They think they are partnered with Matawa because they gave them a few shares. What a joke::::might as well give them some beads and blankets as well They think they can deal with the US ::::last i heard BAO had first rights. The time for mining keeps slipping as they wait fir someone to build them a road victims The idea of a SAF is a joke especially with the green new eevolution and the price of electricity.: : ::Nobody wants it : :maybe Timmins So yes they have a nice 12 nickel mine Good stuff but thats where it ends WG owns the chromite industry lock stock and barrel: :::Noront could never compete The money is in benefication and a 100 years of ferro mining End ofstory