Don’t let bashers goat you into losing faith or temper It's definitely a ploy...
Two type of people in the world... those who like to be collaborators and those who like to be antagonists.
Bashers are the antagonists, who love to cause trouble within a group of collaborators. Their goal is to create friction, distrust and fear. And when we yell, scream and curse at them, they know they are having an impact. So don't let them mess with your mind.
Don't listen, don't engage, don't respond. Their rants will get longer, louder... partly as they try to create anxiety in those who a dumb enough to listen, and in part due to their own frustration and anger that no one is listening to them.
Don't listen... watch as their rants get longer, more detailed as they try frantically to create doubt in your mind. Don't listen.
Watch their anger and frustration grow and grow. And best of all, watch how much time they waste creating a variety of new "conspiracy" scenarios.
A perfect example is the antogonist who helped fuel Qanon and Rigged Elections... the Former Idiot & Chief.... is now stuck as a total loser in Palm Beach Florida. 80+ million people tuned his rants and raves off, and voted for sanity. Twitter and Facebook later caught on. Soon he'll be headed for an orange jumpsuit in GA or NYC...
Dont listen to the antagonists.