Indeed, I sold IPA a little too soon.  Cresendo were their partners of choice when they made their move from Vancover to the "Nas".  Their 52 week low of <$3 CAD was nicely ramped up by their confirmation of a place here in the US on a real exchange that cares about health care and bio-tech.  They charged to a share price of just under $27 CAD on the anticipation of a US listing and likely the awareness created by Cresendo Communications.  I too am "charged up" for this important piece of news, albeit it somewhat stale.

The irony is that right now as an American invester, your EDTXF ticker symbol would not share this delightful piece of news.  Likely why our multiple FDA approvals have forced the share price lower.  I'm expecting the addition of the doctor from Pittsburgh to add the missing ingredient to our story that gives us recognition and of course the possibility of a rising SP ( do your own due diligence, we could go even lower with more exciting success )  Sometimes a stock needs a "catalyst" or a "break" to move the share price.  Some here in the past have called it a "switch" ( binary with 1 = on and 0 = off )

Just a little more patience...hopefully we've finally located the right "partner" in Cresendo, as good as our science has been. our "partnership arrangements" have been curiously bad to unbelieveably horrible.  I hope others recognized the "pathetic partnerships" as perhaps the biggest buying opportunity in the history of the TSE/X...IMHO as always!

All in my humble your own due diligence and never make any decision just because it's "on the internet" .... as witnessed here...there are some unethically motivated dude(s) just waiting to ensure that "stock success" is nearly an impossibility....well almost impossible ; - ) Too bad money is so important to so many ; - (

Welcome David...hope you're wearing a brightly colored striped shirt, a "friend" has been eagerly looking for you in the masses...perhaps a unique hat and a crafted walking stick?

Bon chance amigos!
Tom ( from the tier )