Suncor working behind the scenes...All oilsands projects have taken a bigger hit because of enviromental concerns,however,money talks,and when Suncor once again proves that it is a cash machine,and already has green projects of its own,as well as decreasing its carbon footprint,Suncor will catypult skywards.Oil will be needed for the forseeable future,and i doubt if that will change,hopefully the goverments of the world will put a stop to new development,which will increase the price of oil,but demand that existing operations enhance the reversal of thier own carbon emissions.At any rate Suncor is in control of "Billions"of barrels of oil,and will continue to be a world leader in the development of oil,and oil products.Divy will be increased,at some point,so if your like me,and holding shares at these s/p price levels,the future looks really bright indeed.I see a very long upward trend,while collecting increasing dividend payouts,EXTREMELY STRONG BUY!!!