RE:RE:Can this company turn a profit?tiger2201 wrote: There are two types of mining companies, one is minig the ore, the other one is mining the market. Pick one as you like.
Goatburner wrote: Good morning all. A rough week for many Junior miners. I see most of you survived, a great way to end the week. Junior miners are notorious for their enthusiasm in their own stock. And of course they should be, it's a great way to pump up the stock. What company doesn't do this? But sooner or later reality sets i. Having a great drill hole or two does not make a mine. Does anybody envision a Time when this company actually makes money? Because really, at the end of the day, earnings propel everything forward. Personally, as much as I would like to see CCW succeed, there's absolutely no corporate plan to take this company to the place where they can actually make money,
This promo tanked the SP. BS baffles brain:
While next door, First Cobalt is gaining ground :