Sell at Open & Hope You’re Lucky! Why does it not bother some to know the fundamental of a stock (GME for example). Is not related to its stock price at all.
You are almost acting like sport fans for stocks and putting hard earned money into stocks because you’re fellow @Redditors told you to. Let me know if you need a lawyer for the divorce. The stock is not worth more than $30 MAX (probably closer to $18). There are hardly any shorts currently who see GME as the obvious next BlockBuster retail chain ("BlockBuster filed Bankrupty I think) and GME is a retail chain competing with HUGE digital content including Microsoft & Sony, Netflix, Amazon, Apple. And you think they have a realistic chance and the stock is worth $248?
Any interest in the Brooklyn Bridge or Eiffel Towerr for $100?
What doesn’t make investors wanna see the truth?
Is it a blind love of money + hope = stupidy?
The stock is worth $30 perhaps. Fundamentally. And they will likely lose a lot more money this quarter. It’s wonderful they have an investor willing to take a risk, but I can send you lists of thousands that tried and failed, taking a stock with its issues and try to turn it around. I think almost 99% or more fail. And you're investing hard earned money for a 1% chance you will make another $100 in stock price?
Facts: GME is losing money quarter after quarter and is up against HUGE ONLINE RETAILERs (Microsoft & Sony) = GME is next Blockbuster!
Take your profits (stop acting like your married to the company or @Reddit users), and move on, because this stock is gonna hit less than $100 tomorrow and almost certainly will go less the more the “famous @Redditor” makes his comments to congress and totally fumbles why GME isn’t another BlockBuster.
Good luck gentlemen, all I can say is “I told you so”? But don’t want to be a sore winner, so will say nothing and we’ll hopefully move past this