RE:RE:wtfWeedTheNorth wrote: Do any one of those names have a single contact in Mexico? Or do their holders hope they can just walk off a plane and find a business partner randomly? They are fine Canadian companies but they are coming up way short on the next country to legalize and its 127 million citizens won't have even heard of them. Ask a Mexican person if they've ever heard of Corona though, then figure out which company you want to be in.
Matteo1234 wrote: The big MJ etf"s have been selling CGC and buying TLRY, OGI, HEXO, APHA. Why ? CGC has been dropping the ball. Hopefully they can recover. Stayhard
I agree with weed the north on this one Canopy is set to dominate Mexico. Who has more connections in Mexico. The guys that own corona and tequila brands no doubt. They would already have huge distribution networks setup as well as the brand recognition. With Mexico legalizing next week I don't see why canopy wouldn't benefit from those announcements.