RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Jane Fonda joins the anti-oil fightFound this in the media. They are all entitled hypocrites, always have been.
How does Fonda, who rails against America’s thirst for fossil fuels, get to Washington from Los Angeles for the rallies? Not by bicycle. She takes a huge carbon emission spewing jet liner. Back and forth. At least Greta came to North America by boat.
Unlike so many of the unwashed she preaches to, Fonda, whose net worth is listed at $220 million, lives a lavish lifestyle, out of public view, of course. She lives in a Hollywood 7,200-square-foot mansion. You don’t heat a 7,200-square-foot mansion in California, but you sure need air conditioning for about 10 months of the year. And I doubt if she is using candles to light the place. Doubt if the four-car garage is for her bicycles.