I see this " towering" mars guy is contaminating this board, and conducting himself as if  he is the supreme leader, just as he's doing on our board...... DYA.  
I invite you to come over and watch him.....we just laugh at him as we cut  his stories to shreds!

This clown is a PAID PUMBER......go look at his history......this is ALL this guy does is post all day long.   Pump and Dump.
I see he acts the same way here...if anyone dares to disagree with whatever side of the rainbow he's playing....out come the Insults.  There's only ONE opinion.....HIS!

He has absolutely no knowledge of the companies he posts about.....! 

by the way....."towering" mars.....is that not a guy suffering from short - boy syndrome or what?
he's likely 4 ft. 11 with his platform shoes on.   He even has a guy following him around and giving every one of his posts a thumbs up.  LOL....just how insecure is this guy?
a legend in his own mind I guess.

We Just Laugh at him.   good luck boys!