RE:I,ll Let Buzz Ceo Dan Excellent question Goldy. Who bashes a company for 8 months straight when they own stock? What are Jeff's real motivations for this? Maybe it is the same as the LyingWhisperer, who has told this and other boards many times that he has no financial interest, and that he doesn't need any money, and the he only bashes this company and all the other companies on a regular basis as a public service to help protect innocent investors. Maybe that is also why Jeff is spending so much time basing Buzz. Doesn't Jeff strike you as the charitable type, just like LyingWhisperer?
Goldy63 wrote: Deal with his company . Let things shake out and as far as I,m concerned Jeff can say what he wants as a free country but again who bashes a stock he owns?? Right skinless but hey if you want to make up stuff and spend time here Jeff while LW and seen a few more nics I know that short stocks well have at it while they short GRB down . I believe your shareholders deserve better Jeff but hey thats JMO. Long BUZZ and SAM you rock it man . Dan mentioned updates on Germany so yup things are going to get hot here fast and the noise will disappear like a bad fart in a stiff wind . Long BUZZ .