The next yield curve control is stagflation the FED will buyall of it too. Which requires keeping real interest rates, nominal,
ie below the inflation rate, till inflation gets too high and crashes the
market with higher than inflation, interest rates.
Implied in this video if not come right out with it. But In this Greg Mannarinno
video at 7 minutes point he says he doesn't see cryptos being regulated for a
long time. And will go up and way up!!! Economist and Economic advisors to presidents, Larry Summers said
the same thing at end of his segment of 1 hour long weekend, Wall Street
review. He said it won’t happen by 5 years. We will see? Depends what
the so call reset of everything means if happens I think before the US mid
term elections 2022.
At 43.27 minute point Summers is asked will the FED
have it’s own Digital currency in 5 years. No! So how
can cryptos be history until that happens. In same wall street review, here's an investment manager, not economist,
but with valid economical insights.
He says at 8.35 minute point, if debts forever without
causing economic chaos, looks too good to be true,
it probably is. Sounds like the US and world. The whole of mannarino’s video above is good listening to and best Mannarino
summary of what is going on.
Mannarino knows the pandemic is a scam, no worse than the flu's roughly
650,000 deaths worldwide each winter's flu season.
That's seen at
Johns Hopkins tracking of worldwide deaths of covid-19 here. And as scroll down 2/3 rds, to "Coronavirus vs. Flu Deaths", it says
there’s $2.9 million deaths as of now. Divide that by 2 winters and it’s
1.3 million a winter. Then knock off 650,000 for flu, included as
co-morbidity (ie with corresponding medical issues) which biases the
seriousness towards death, that was already biased to death with the
Flu and whatever co-morbidities were going on, to reach 650,000 deaths
with the Flu minus covid-19, if even if covid-19 is there in most of those
Flu deaths.
So that is 650,000 deaths by covid-19 per winter season. Not a pan-
demic except for the 24/7 exaggerated hype by the media, MDs and
politicians, so can get cash cow on vaccinating the whole world with
god knows what's in them, control everyone by it and get communism
and china as poster boy of it, by other means.
And the saying “god knows what's in the vaccinations”, because non
are the old style weaken form of the live virulent virus, type vaccination.
Not even J&J that is being lied about it’s still is, to so succker people
into thinking it's safer that the mRNA types of vaccines that are pushing
aside the immune system, to try and become our immune system.
Instead of using our immune system and thinking it is good enough to handle
viruses anymore, you go to the doctor for your immune system actions, using
the newer mRNA vaccinations,
which is incredibly stupid, slow and ineffective.
The CDS even said last august 2020, when they claimed there was roughly
200,000 US covid-19 deaths then, that only 6% of the deaths are covid-19
alone without co-morbidity health issues associated with it. In august that would
have been .06 X 300,000 = 12,000 people.
That’s not a serious pandemic, certainly not requiring vaccinating the whole
planet. ie
"Only six percent (6%) of Americans who have died with COVID-19 died strictly
from the virus and not from other causes, according to new numbers from the
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)."
Gregory Mannarino
served amd worked as physcian assistant in the US Navy at lieutenant level
for I believe 4 years. A physician assistant medical attendant is a masters level nurse that makes
$100,000+ in civilian life. And has the right to issue prescriptions under
Physician's ultimate overseeing. – of determined types and kinds of pre-
scriptions that can issue from then on, as agreed upon. He’s no dummy and he’s a patriot !!!!! But one of the whole world, just not
the US.