RE:Analysis paralysisHello Sparkdog,
With all due respect, people are today dying in Canada due to the fact that someone got on a plane, went to Brazil, messed around there for a couple of weeks, and then returned to Canada bringing back the Brazil variant that is much more readily transmitted within a community. So no, I will need heed your (I hope) well meaning advice to "hop on a plane and go to Brazil"
In Ontario we are now under a 28 day lockdown stay-at-home order. So instead of becoming a Covid transmission vector, I happily sit in my study at home, connected to the world by the internet and continue to learn all I can about the companies in which I have invested.
For some reason I cannot fathom, some folks don't seem to like the idea of investors trying to undertake reasonable due diligence before they commit to or add capital to a position - this is apparently "over analyzing". Just step right up to the market roulette table and place your bets - don't waste your time checking if the wheel is fixed - the house is going to win anyway.
And we have been told, and reminded repeatedly by the Verde CEO, that if you are not prepared to lose all your money, don't bother betting on the Company he was personally paid $970,900 last year to run. The 2020 financial statements list 23 individual risk factors facing the Company which investors and shareholders should be aware, including the one that mentions his significant control of the Comapny and its operating subsidiaries.
Not sure that one can be reasonably accused of over analyzing a company in this situation, especially one operating in Brazil, which we are frequently remined is a very difficult and dangerous place in which try an operate an enterprise in an ethical way with high standards of transparency and integrity, as required of a UK incorporated public company trading on a Canadian exchange.
I can appreciate some investors don't undertake a deep dive due diligence process before investing in or maintaing a position in a public company. What I don't get is why those investors who do DDDD, and then share their observations in a public forum specifically designed to allow invetors to share their opinions, seem to so annoy and upset some of those who don't wish to do DDDD.
In any event, as I seem to get as many encouraging comments as I do the stop "over analyzing" criticism, I will continue to follow the public information available on the companies in my portfolio and to try to ask the appropriate questions. Sparkdog, if this causes you further annoyance, which I certainly do not wish to do, can I ask you to put my screen name on "ignore", which should fix the issue for you, while allowing other forum members to continue to read my posts.