RE:Wanna speed up the process?Totally agree Winston. Most governments and businesses usually need external political pressure to make changes that cost money. Not all, but most. Both are basically organizations run by conflict of interest. Governments mandate is always to get re-elected often by making fiscal cut promises. Corporations, by making money for their shareholders regardless of the cost to society. Usually, neither will do anything for ultruistic reasons. It is always about money or power. However, we are at a crossroads economically and environmentally. This mindset is finally being challenged. The overall economic cost of poor environmental decisions (remediation, illness, violent storm damage, etc.) are finally being looked at as being something that hurts the bottom line. Environmental degredation is driving this thrust towards cleaning up our acts, and making technological advances. Companies like Pyrogenesis are just biding their time, while corporations drag their heels. They (PYR) have the solution. Sooner or later the big boys will have to take a seat at PYR's table. Just a matter of time. The green bills with their carbon iniatives and credits will move these mountains. It will cost them (corporations) money if they don't comply. Plus they will make more money in the longrun, because PYR's products are designed to be beneficial to their manufacturing processes. Finally, (better late then never) we have proactive policy that will force these changes. JMTC.