RE:New Interview with Beena on Canopy DealMuch appreciated WB, this is what every SH needs to see and understand well...while FIRE is the premium diamond in the rough we missed our opportunity to the big time on our own a few years back as we spent too much time on the B2B med focus and we should have been building out on the rec side and been ready for legalization.....that said, the quality built into the facility, product lines from the jump is what has got us to this point, but without the move to CPG and added production of CC, Haze, etc we would never have had the value to command a buy at this level like we have with WEED.
The success of FIRE with the focus on quality, in all areas, has put the company in a unique situation compared to any other similar sized pot co...FIRE fetched a premium price, from the soon to be largest pot co on the planet. Don''t do this deal and we will struggle further down in value and end worth pennies on the dollar with nowhere near the leverage we have today.
Everything that Beena spoke to was spot on, going it on our own from here the odds are slim to none and our worth will degrade fast and going forward on our own from here will just get us pennies on the dollar when we have to sell.
What she says in this interview it that we need this deal to not only maximize SH value going forward but it the only path forward, as the odds are that there is not a better deal than, or equal to be had going forward that is worth turning this deal with WEED down. We have been trying to increase market share, increase product shelved and revenues for months and we are barely scratching the surface with no where near the depth to compete as net margins come down, as competition on premium quality product heats up.
We are past the tipping point for a stand alone going concern, of which may never have even been possible with such a special niche, or highly unlikely at best. To have to accept continuing to product the highest quality product menu within the the soon to be #1 pot co on the planet has to be a close second best at worst and maybe the best we could have hoped for. WEED could have bought anybody, but they bought the best.
Sure would like to hear any reasonable alternative option going forward, but a gamble from here on our own is not an option and Beena would be the first of many to leave on a no vote. JMHO...Opt
WealthBuilder99 wrote: [url=https://]Beena Interview[/url]