RE:RE:common senseAxe to grind? What axe to grind. I was invested in kwg and bought into a private placement where i made money selling the shares and held 5,000,000 warrents that i never excersized because the company in 5 years never made it worth it to. Just hate to see a company run not by miners that follow a path to obtain a mine building share price but bt people out of thier element not accomplishing anything near to a mine building plan. Drilling stopped alowing dilution to overtake, no permit plan whatsoever, stalling any thought of moving to a mine ect. ect ect. Making foolish statements like Elon Musk tunnel delivery systems, Conveyor delivery for 300 to 500 miles, and who knows, Sugar plum faries to finally move this before Bankruptcy. Just start another avitar again, your showing foolish stupidity too much again.