RE:RE:RE:RE:common senseTighten the purse strings? You got to be kidding. As if kwg did that for stratigy? Go back and see what they did do. Few hints, They sold a net smeltor right for 18,000,000 million dollars and spent a little on n/s drilling and the rest on buying a bunch of land tenents from WHO that were no good. Sold off the only good thing, Debuet Diamonds, that could have been a mine that could of funded the rail or chromite. Did anybody check out WHO bought Debuet, Who actually owns it now. How about the strategy of kwg tightening the strings buy paying the help with shares. Does anyone really think they could have done that with real money if they could have. Go back and do some real do dillegence before lookin more stupid. "Stupidity will keep you broke".