Scotia write up about ESGScotia did a write about about ESG ratings for their coverage universe. Very, very positive things to say about WCP. ESG has become an important factor in the investment world. More good news for WCP going forward in my opinion.
"In the field of environmental performance, we view WCP as a leader. The acquired majority WI (2017) in the Weyburn CCUS project is paying WCP big dividends on the emissions front. In 2019, WCP sequestered 589 mtCO2 more than WCP’s total CO2 emissions (Scope 1 & 2). Goals / Targets
Reduce GHG emissions intensity by 20% by 2023 from 2019 levels. Initiatives
Venting reductions through gas sales or flaring (removes the potent methane emissions, which has ~25x higher atmospheric impact).
Replacement of High Bleed Pneumatic instruments.
Utilizing new gas injection scheme. Accomplishments
Since 2017, GHG emissions intensity reduced by 37%. Methane emission down by 12% y/y.
Currently, reusing 88% of withdrawn water. Risks
Relative to its peers, no current issues/controversies that warrant an elevated risk profile for WCP."