why is GTE trading < 1X forward annual cashflow??-security concerns-always ongoing
-COVID - its real and its serious-see article from OILPRICE "south american oil production could implode" .BRAZIL and their TRUMP like prez whom just refuses to believe in the simplest of steps is the chief culprit and now add in the variants, Columbia , amongst other countries in this region have/will be especially hard hit in the days going forward..
The number ONE reason thou, is the market's complete loss of cofidence in this management team - $100's of millions blown to raise production and nothing to show for it (except of course, a huge loss in investor equity ala most of the US shale producers).
There is hope, that at last management has gotten the message about FREE CASH FLOW and profits but we are definitely in show me mode.. COVID aside, thats the real story - BRENT (less the discount) is approaching $70 , a full $15 USD above their highest pricing assumptions and on paper is now trading <1 x forward CF-Q1 results this week-see what happens...dwdc