RE:More low hanging fruit?This new opportunity doesn't come at the extend of the other on-going opportunities. It just adds to them. With even less risk and less effort, as this resemble at the same QRR recipe, but with just simple tweaks, now that they have a much better understanding and experience. So they'd be fool not to go after such "low hanging fruit" additional market segment.
This expertise will be applied to transform Silica (Quartz, SiO 2 ) into Fumed Silica (Pyrogenic Silica) in one step, similar to the successful work with our PUREVAP TM QRR™ system the venerable Quartz Reduction Reactor
_____________________ Waxwing - (5/4/2021 10:21:14 AM) More low hanging fruit? Is this fumed silica more low hanging fruit easily picked? If so I'm wondering if PYR should maybe stop climbing the ladder and just pick all this "low hanging fruit we seem to be missing?
Maybe there is no low hanging fruit in these industry's. I'm just not sure why HPQ and PYR have now steered off to yet another direction. This opinion is just my own as I have no idea the details involved exactly. But this is what an average investor may be thinking.
Where's the low hanging fruit from the other tech/ products?