Here are three links to last year's presentations by RECOWell worth taking some time off from Netlix to watch these.
April 16, 2020 May 20, 2020 Craig Steinke June 12, 2020 Q & A with Scot Evans - RECO COO & Geologist Nov. 10, 2020 American Petroleum Institute - Houston Chapter - Recon Africa Their original plan for 3 wells to advance to the 'Undeveloped' acreage valuation
is 1/3 of the way completed. i.e. $6.5 Billion USD valuation target for this Phase 1.
The Permiaan Basin has pumped 30 Billion barrels since 1920, with an estimated 20 Billion remaining.
Most of it by way of conventional production.
This one is Easy - peasy.
Stick in a straw and slurp (pump) away.