Therma Bright - ListenI like Therma but sometimes they suprise me. We were working on OZAP and Zika cure, then suddenly Testing for Covid - Covisafe, then partnering it, then being solo, then doing all this in Canada and HC approval, then FDA approval, then symptomatic and then Acuvid, then then out of the blue tests in Brazil then EU certification, then white labeling, now manufacture deal in Malasia, tomorrow we might here Acu-diabeties saliva test in New Zealand, point to say is it's a different news each time, and they forget about the past projects. What is happening with Zika? Tomorrow we may hear Therma Bright working on Spineal Surgury cream etc; it's like this stock has AD&D, shine anything infront of it and it will go towards it. Trust me I love this stock and hold lots, probably the #1 pumper, but we just need some solid news, contracts, Acuvid is done and complete and then move to the next project. Thoughts and open for debate? (Note I am back temporarily due to popular demand).