RE:Harley MHuck/Malache/Trevor etc, you hate stockhouse and stockhouse hates you so please do everyone a favor and go away.
Huckleberry68 wrote: You are as dimwitted as your posts , you are stupid enough to believe that BS rating came from hundreds not just 1 or 2 other deviants like yourself who like to promote others like themselves. Red has always posted factual info good and bad regarding this or any other stock unlike Perma pumping idiots who like To mislead ring any bells JrBSer. However when you call his family inbred and him a fleabag you just depict yourself as a spikey slug who needs to be squished underfoot.. Now you have to understand Red. , He portrays himself as Spock like , that is false , Spock at the end learned the value of friendship in Deers case he never has . I seriously doubt he ever had a real friend and if he did he drove them away. . My wife was watching some 90 day stuff a while ago and one of the fools o n the show was a Finnish woman and her sister or shall l say Soumi. She was beautiful but had the personality of a cold dead fish. That describes Red doesn't understand standard human behavior , has no sense of loyalty lives in a world of his own. Not to my liking and probably not to yours but Harley if you like Junior , weren't such shallow individuals you might just might have some empathy. . If not just continue with your denials ravings , pumping and everyday BS