RE:An IRD comparable (Yahoo Finance)I admit that I have only a fuzzy understanding of Iteris.
Most of the big players in ITS seem to have been historically centred on toll collection--either old toll collection (with toll booths) or new toll collection (electronic, like Toronto's 407). This would include, among many others, Kapsch (based in Austria) and Q-Free (based in Norway).
Makes sense because that's where, historically, the big $$$ has been.
But, as far as I can tell, Iteris has nothing to do with toll collection. Rather, Iteris seems to be centred around traffic data collection for government agencies. Indeed, their business model seems to be all about taking over government agency traffic data collection / oversignt. They seem to produce very little in the way of hardware. Only radar and visual sensors. Curiously, they seem to make it almost a point of pride that they have nothing to do with in-road sensors, almost as if they are simply not necessary.
I wouldn't be inclined to give up on Sensor Line just yet.
Anyways, while Iteris is growing they seem to be having a hard time achieving profitability.