RE:Sage...Kent actually hit $3.60 and.....If you say so ARD. I roughly went back as far as 2007 where they report G as a graduate of some sales and marketing school and the number of properties, interviews and twists and turns is way above my pay grade. If you say 3.60 I know you tell the truth but the largest share price I found was. 37. Changed name from Kent to Bayhorse in 2013? Was in coal for some time as well? The whole thing I looked at (quickly so maybe mistaken) looked like that honey bee thing going from one country and mineral to another endlessly. Now stuck on this silver mine called Bayhorse but unable to produce results like production, cash flow, etc., (that sales school was wasted) even though silver way up above price necessary, cash in hand much more than needed, contracts signed and partners waiting for deliveries, been mining for eons, have sorter doing endless tons per day, and the usual assay labs crowded excuse wearing super thin. Where are we.