New presentation on websiteTheirs an interesting phrase on the update. I will quote it. Strong financial position PAGE 13 STRATEGIC INDUSTRY AND FINANCIAL PARTNERS POSITION WILLOW FOR A STRONG FUTURE PERFORMANCE In February 2021, raised $28.75 million via prospectus offering to support research, strain development, scale up and commercial launch $77.3 million raised to date with management and board investing more then $8 million personally into Willow March 31st, 2021 cash position equals $46.5 million with no debt Strong insider ownership at 31% Aligned with shareholders Insider's performance incentive achieved when WLLW has 20 day VWAP of $3.50 per share Funded to commercialize production Moved to TSX in Dec 2019 (TSX: WLLW) Trade on OTCQX Best Market (OTCQX: CANSF) What does this 2nd to last point mean?