SO: There is no surprise here folks Let it be known before I start,that I own 1 % of company. ---- I will be very upfront ,and ignore me if you wish . ---- This company is on a " show me scale ,now, and forward"". ---- The product quality is not to worry,it is second to none . There is not one competitor ,large or small,that can compete on a total scale . YES: Large players have a lot to offer ,however , nothing better than the quality provided here. ----- Let's move on . Reports I have and very unofficial : The company is very hard to deal with .??? . Initially ,that means nothing : EXCEPT: Why are we not winning compounding contracts . Figure: You own a 450 bus operation,and sign a deal for 150 busses ! If you are completely satisfied, why go elseware , why not sign in for all busses,minus retirees ?? . --I have visually visited/checked out every bus company from Toronto to Ottawa ,hundreds of KM's , and the product is well known/first rate. However: Difficult to deal with . ; Unquote: ---So: I estimated 4.0 mil rev , and 280 mil profit, however I did not consider loss of exchange . Taking that into consideration, I was very ,very close to todays numbers . ---Where do we go from here ? . The market is huge , our product quality is excellent , we should be in line for numerous contacts, large and small. ----- Dyment is the wildcard ! Most posters feel this guy , ''walks om water'', however , ''he has a lot to prove now''. If he wants to run this company as a 1 man show, take it or leave it approach , we all suffer. --Conclusion: You have the product ,you have the want and energy, LIGHTEN UP /Your not a one man show dictating to every potential customer. AND : Lighten up to BAY SRTEET . : We dont need them , but do not offend them .