More Shares, Often Magically Appear...But Sellers Beware! The gold price seems to have bottomed. It only has higher to go! But the timing of that action is somewhat unclear. Perhaps, in the short run, this may be a sudden move? Or else, it may take a great deal longer. One day, it will happen. Perhaps, now only Bitcoin stands in the way?
China hates Bitcoin. Perhaps other nations will also follow that trend? All walls can collapse.
The major and intermediate gold miner's price may rise, as if following a seasonal trend. But will the much smaller player, Abcourt Mines, follow that trend?
I believe it was RPM who suggested that it might take some significant time to reach the high grade mineralization at the Sleeping Giant which Abcourt Mines is striving to seek.
As he said, it did seem to take a long time to reach these kind of grades at the Elder mine. But this is only the outsider's perspective. Mining engineers and their experienced company supervisors, much better understand, the time frame involved. And as everyone now knows, the miners did eventually achieve that objective!
With the drill bit as a guide, Abcourt's miners must be blasting and shifting tons of hard rock to reach a better known source of ore. In a recent past press release, they had not well defined the grade of ore that they had already encountered. They merely stated that the mineralization was just as expected. One might assume that they had encountered a trend but not the source.
Management has stated that they expect commercial mining to begin by the end of this year.
Perhaps they are right?
The more obvious trend of the ore body, must by now, be more firmly established. It is now only a matter of time before they break through to the source.
As shareholders, we would like to know more.
But, as investors, now is the best time to buy! It is not the time to sell.
As always, someone's loss can often be, another person's gain!
Sometimes, it is best, just to wait.
All the best! Java