A | Delayed Sale | A trade that was not entered at trade time. |
B | Delayed Delivery | A transaction in which delivery of the security will be delayed beyond the normal settlement period. Delayed delivery trades are included in the volume, value, and number of transaction totals but do not affect the open, high, low, last sale, and close prices. |
C | Contingent Trade | Results from an order (e.g. to sell) placed by a PO on behalf of a client for one security which is contingent on the execution of a second order (e.g. to buy) placed by the same client for an offsetting volume of a related security. Contingent trades can set the open, high, low, last sale and close prices. They are also included in the volume, value, and number of transactions. |
D | Cash | A trade that is settled the next day. Cash trades are included in the volume, value, and transaction totals but do not affect open, high, low, last sale, and close prices. |
E | Non Boardlot | (Oddlot) Quantity of shares is not sufficient to comprise a boardlot. |
F | Mandatory Cash | For specific reasons (expiry of rights, redemptions, etc.) all trades in the stock must be settled in cash. In this case, trades will set open, high, low, last prices (as indicated by the trade markers), and are included in the volume, value, transaction totals. These trades do not, however, affect weekly, monthly, or yearly, high and low prices. |
G | VWAP Trade | A transaction for the purpose of executing trades at a volume-weighted average price of the security traded for a continuous period on or during a trading day on the exchange. VWAP trades are included in the volume, value, and transaction totals but do not affect open, high, low, last sale, and close prices. |
H | Inactive Board | An issuer with business activity levels that fail to meet the minimum continuous listing requirements of the TSX Venture Exchange, which are referred to in TSX Venture policies as the Tier 2 Tier Maintenance Requirements. Trading activity levels have no bearing on an issuer's designation as an "Inactive Board" for the purposes of TSX Venture Exchange policies. |
I | Inactive Issuer | |
J | Capital Pool | The Capital Pool Company (CPC) program is unique to TSX Venture Exchange and is defined in Policy 2.4 of the Exchange's Corporate Finance Manual. The CPC program permits an IPO to be conducted and an Exchange listing to be achieved by a newly created company that has no assets, other than cash, and has not commenced commercial operations. The CPC then uses this pool of funds to identify and evaluate assets or businesses which, when acquired, qualify the CPC for listing as a regular Tier 1 or Tier 2 Issuer on the Exchange. Should the CPC not complete a Qualifying Transaction within 18 months of its date of listing, it may be suspended from trading or delisted. In consideration of the restrictions on this type of issuer as reflected in Policy 2.4, the Exchange has added an identifier of ".P" to the trading symbols for CPCs to differentiate them from other listed companies |
K | Sets the Last Price | |
L | Sets the Open Price | |
M | Special Terms Trading | All trades executed and settled in other than the regular manner. Special Terms Trades do not affect the open, high, low, and last prices (as indicated by the trade markers). "Special terms" trades are included in the volume, value, transactions totals. |
N | Non-voting Shares | |
O | Basis Trade | A transaction whereby a basket of securities or an index participation unit is transacted at prices achieved through the execution of related exchange-traded derivative instruments, which may include index futures, index options and index participation units in an amount that will correspond to an equivalent market exposure. Basis trades are included in the volume, value, and transaction totals but do not affect open, high, low, last sale, and close prices. |
P | Accrued Interest Stock | Used for debentures. Accrued interest will be calculated and added to the price of the trade for settlement purposes. |
Q | Market On Close Trade | An explanation from the TSX web site: https://www.tsx.com/trading/tsx-venture-exchange/order-types-and-features/market-on-close |