So we begin another week.Good morning all from the tri-town area of Northern Ontario. I really enjoy reading the posts on this forum regarding the restart of the cobalt refinery. So many different views and predictions about what may or may not occur. I enjoy all the views - but take them - and my own for that matter- with a grain of salt. I also have to say I admire the folks that have been here for 3 to 4 years and the stock price is only $0.30. such commitment. Tying up capital for three to four years without much profit that could have been invested elsewhere and a much better rate of return- it's a bit of a head scratcher for me. I personally downsized my position here a few months back but keep a meaningful amount of shares if and when this thing takes off. We'll see where it goes - Trent does not post much on Twitter anymore - almost 2 weeks without any cheerleading. So, in closing best wishes all and hope for good news this week. I imagine if things don't happen pretty soon it's going to be an exodus out the door. Just my humble opinion, and best wishes to everybody wherever you are.