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Stock Quote Today & Recent News Electra Battery Materials Corp V.ELBM

Alternate Symbol(s):  ELBM

Electra Battery Materials Corporation is a Canada-based processor of low-carbon, ethically sourced battery materials. The Company is focused on building a supply of cobalt, nickel and recycled battery materials. It is engaged in the business of battery materials refining, including refining material from mining operations and from the recycling of battery scrap and end of life batteries. It... see more
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Bullboard Posts (TSXV:ELBM)


What's the construction foreman up to? 

Good news coming?
Starkicker - 1 day ago

RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:New Feature article on Electra Battery Materials!

Yeah, the Ontario govt only ended up providing $168k through that fund after changing the terms on the grant. Ford keeps talking about an...
Starkicker - 1 day ago

reverse split

a death knell  every time how often did First Cobalt and the ELBM split was it 3 times  ? correct me if I am wrong after...
plumena3 - 1 day ago

RE:RE:RE:RE:New Feature article on Electra Battery Materials!

I agree with you Starkicker.  To add to the frustration, some of the help the government has given has turned out to be no help at...
ToeBeans - 1 day ago

RE:RE:Several scams in one? Mining-refining-whining & dining.

IMO the optics are not great when a CEO is still living on what would be a very handsome salary to most people while the company is pre...
throwaway11 - 1 day ago