RE:RE:RE:RE:For Anyone Who Believes
damn I lost faith before!!! Look what I said in the past about everything and why I sold from my previous highest position of 17,000 plus shares to where I have 5,500. Thats one. Two look how angry I was when I was seeing this constantly pushed down a few years ago so much so I was ripping into people way more my blunt remarks now. Three I was way too attached to outcomes that I wanted which were not coming and seeing things disintegrate I got even angrier. Four when Rich came in do you remember what I said I don't trust him. The laws work on your strongest energies and if those energies are negative so too are the outcomes. When you truly follow the laws in the proper way you will draw the proper positive outcomes. I did at least four things massively wrong. Now when I look at it it just proves that things work. Sure people can say you are simply fitting things conveniently to prove your point and I will say yes because I was asked. Now we sit at .21 but here is the thing I know this will be crushed I don't have a doubt in my mind about it. I will do my best also to avoid getting into peeing contests with folks because with the laws where you put your focus again that is what the universe understands so if you get angry vengeful and again too attached it messes things of attraction positively works on gratitude appreciation love and non attachment. If you see things properly and you know you already have it then no matter what you do. So for instance given I have said what I have about $5 plus a share and keep my focus on that I don't need to concern myself with all that is going on now and when I speak I should only speak positively and address things that way or just not post engaging in anything that sucks me/you into negative responses. It is like this when you order something in the mail you first decided to buy it and then pay for it. You know you have it you just wait to receive it. You don't question whether you will get it you wait to do so. You may just think about how you will use it how happy you are to have it etc. This is ok but if you keep checking the mail everyday saying where is it where is it that is not. Additionally because you are looking at the end not the process you move things forward. So for instance if you want a porsche an expensive car you see why you want it how does it make you feel what will you do with it. In other words your vision doesn't stop with seeing yourself having the porsche it continues forward as to what you do with it. I told Snake my vision looks beyond a quarter and it does but it doesn't mean when the equity rises the way I know it will as it has I don't celebrate it yes you do and full of gratitude so whatever gains are made you focus on the gratitude from that you don't worry about anything else. We know people will trade stocks so there will always be ups and downs we don't concern ourselves with all that we see only what we see in the end. The process isn't important that is where you put trust faith in the universal laws to make all the arrangements sit back happily knowing when all things are aligned and arranged at that time it is meant to be. Now you may wish to revisit your visualizations once or twice a day truly seeing and feeling having what you want feeling absolutely happy and grateful for it then you let it go don't think about it anymore do other things...this is best done in the morning and evening before you get busy and doesn't need to be done for any lengths of time just long enough to truly feel be happy and say thank you. Some people may say they are not strong with visual viewing in the minds eye so in this case repeating and fully feeling positive words of trust faith work as well isn't it wonderful now that nxo is $5. Isn't it wonderful now that nxo is $5. Isn't wonderful now that nxo is $5. Thank you thank you thank. You can extend this isn't wonderful nxo is $5 now I can buy my brand new car...for me I have talked about 2 credit card debts so isn't it wonderful that nxo is $5 I can pay off my debt. It doesn't matter what is happening day to day but what does is what you want and that is the only thing you focus on and yes you will get it. As far as this stocks movement it is way too low trading where it is. Now look at the scenario had this had these three big companies and the stock took say a year whatever the case is it would be trading $2 to $3 easily but because of the company's history and people holding to the past this company is trading at one tenth the price with the same thing in its first year it would be trading way higher. Folks the information is the same and in reality should trade the same but it is in people's minds that creates the difference the mind marred of doubts and hence the reason this has not exploded because your fears and doubts hold this back but for those who believe they are gobbling up shares because they are seeing in the right way they see opportunity and success knowing it isn't a question of if but when. I have given you all the reasons why anyone's doubts should disappear but for those who want it confirmed well the moment that happens you will be chasing this above a buck. If people want to wait and pay a buck to gain that confirmation and feel good with that hey it is all good. Conversely if people already know what the narrative is they buy cheaper and hold and as some are doing freeing up more and more monies while nxo trades low and keep building their positions. I know by what they are saying and doing many are not looking to sell below $2 first strike. You buy at .20 lots of shares that is a huge 10 bagger and these people will still have tons of shares. I am looking to sell no less than $5 but I have but a handful of shares and I am looking for exponential growth which will mean I will not be able to hold shares forever to get my prices so I have said I will assess things and decide from there. I am looking for $5 minimum but I am also looking through this and next year and I have 0 doubts this will trade $5 plus that is why I have said $5 to $10 this best $10 this or next year bring it. This hits $5 this year as I am saying I will have to decide whether I will sell one fifth of what I hold and pay off over 50 percent of my debt or wait. I have planned to use 1,000 shares of nxo and mrs to dispatch my debt as I want to hold both near equally. I have 500 more shares of nxo. In any case there is 0 doubts in my mind $5 to $10 this year. These levels are just super cheap for what is being offered as to what the upside is no less than a 5 bagger so it doesn't make sense to do anything but buy. If this were a buck sure I would say OK maybe you want to confirm I get it but still 3 partners who are huge. Anyways good luck all.