New investment ideas.I am thinking what other investment ideas could there be stocks that may have the opportunity for 10 bagger Here's one CVX Cematrix with their revolutionary cellular concrete are collaborating with Lafarge a global giant in cement industry Here's the link check this out I am inviting you all to have a look at CVX and read the article above Imagine all those roads that start cracking on the 2nd and 3rd year This revolutionary cellular concrete is supposed to address it and with a Lafarge behind them Where ever there's road construction around the world CVX and Lafarge would be there Also of note CVX has $94 in contracts and pipeline of $365 mil and a target price of $1.22 . They own 2 companies in US and are gearing up to make 1 or 2 more purchases down in the states while also looking to expand internationally thru Lafarge and maybe other international players. Also Bidens $1 trillion infrastructure plan is expected to be a tail wind for CVX when fully implemented. In the US alone there are over 100000 bridges in desperate need of repair aside from roads and highways and let's not forget across Canada. At .34c it is extremely cheap as they also have .18c per share in CASH about $20 mil Today CVX was up over 5.5% on high volumes If you managed to get in at these low low prices then Thank you You won't regret it. If you got in please stop by our page and read all that's being discussed