Promoters and Alexco
Share price is down recently by roughly 50% . Q2 showed a loss per share and so forth and now the comments by a few are now making people/promoters/beleivers unhappy?
Future looking statements are just that. So are drill results.
A few peoples opinions and methods of investing is now making shareholders (company?) unhappy? Wow to believe that is just amazing.
Everybody in the market buys, sells and comments to suit their style.
Maybe Q3/Q4 results bumps the stock back to 3.80+ or perhaps the expected drill report will rocket this stock back to where is was. If so GLTA.
- Will Alexco be looking for more financing before profit?
- Is Alexco considering spinning off the remediation division when the second mine opens.
- Are the current number of employees and resources are enough to get to the often quoted 400 TPD thrughput.
- Oh and perhaps it would be great with those with information to answer a few of the outstanding reasonable questions on this board that others have posted.