RE:from Despite all the negative chatter heard from frustrated longs and traders , this govt is moving the process forward .
During the pandemic , the gov ' t put in new rules about work visas . The job must pay over 25 , 000 RD a month and last at least a year. That was done to protect the lower end jobs for locals . The unemployment rate is really high , in some areas over 40 % .
The large injection put to the Province is part of the commitment they are working .
The pride of locals is greater than any monies they may or may not receive . This is why the delicate balance has been struck and taken so long .
Don ' t " fall " for the misinformation , and note we have been wrong on times in the past .
With the largest law firm in the DR on our pay , that has the highest level gov ' t contacts , though timing has been off , the goal is not .
We believe the license is a given . It always was since the election .
We are long 10 and 12 cents and between 20 and 25 cents . NO we have not sold a share . Nor will we .
GLTA true longs , those working pennies will not reap the full rewards of investors .