1% Copper vs 1 Gram of Gold/TonneI read through the QC Copper and Gold presentation, and one slide at the very end of the presentation made the comment that at today's market prices for copper and gold, 1% copper in the ground is worth 71% more than 1 gram per tonne of gold...but here's the clicker...QC Copper and Gold on the Opemiska Deposit could have BOTH of these features..not bad for a possible open pit setup, that already has roads and power going to the site.
One thing that never seems to have been noted is where are the old tailing facilities located for the Opemiska mine?
The reason I am asking, is that with today's technology, and mineral prices, perhaps these tailings could be processed and treated as an income stream. There are companies out there that are making a good economical go at this sort of thing.
If anyone can add to these points, that would certainly be great to hear.