RE:PARALLELS @1bananaman ALE will be the game changer - mostly because this will establish Gatekeeper Systems as a software/data play company, thus changing our multipler - changing a multipler instanstly changes a companies value - - this results in the "gap up" suggested by many.
On top of the increased multipler, ALE will increase revenue drastically, the margins are expected to be high and the demand for the product is expected to be high as well. - Increased revenue generally affects the the sp at a slower rate because companies are generally valued based on a blend of the last 5years of financials. - - this gives a better prediction of what to expect in the future, but another positive to this is the fact that Gatekeeper's revenue is mostly under long term contracts - - much different than say, a retail company having a good year and having no gurantee the following year.
I can't stress it enough, this company is such a unique opportunity being missed by many. Gatekeeper is on the verge of explosive revenue growth, added with an increased multipler rating as we transition from Hardware to Software/data management: plus consider a highly potential uplisting which increases a multipler further due to exposure to a bigger market, creating a more liquidable asset - making it more deisirable/ lower risk and an uplisting would create more publicity.
I've been confidently holding and accumulating shares from $.13 as I see Doug Dyments mentioned $1billion evaluation in reachable sight. ($10+ share)
Best of luck.