RE:Love him or hate him-NuttallThanks Loonie. I have been a bit absent on posting but always appricate - often late in the day - your posts. I think LXE is getting ready to move as the trade action is picking up leftover deal shares (I believe) in the mid- .70's. I picked up some more in my RRSP today as the land thse guys own is going to be re-rated as soon as they de-risk (drilling results by Y/E 21) and NG prices (doubled since the deal in March after the Texas run-up came off). SO... this is my most patient holding but i am predicting a double from here by end 2022; and with their land - might either get pciked off for 2 or they grow organically to 5 in 3-4 years (LNG). I know i am just riffing but I have held CR, BIR and KEL; and they have just exploded at a certain point. I think LXE - with no debt, cash on hand, ltons of land (even after the small sale in March) and soon to be relaized prodcution (2021-2022) - all unhedged - it could surprise. Contined good luck Loonie - and i hope your happy with AAV as it did a beautiful move in early September i believe. TD12