Ah, my friend Ah Socks77Yes, Fidelity is the market maker ,there is no doubt. They are buying in for the upcomming partner. ---Anon is the seller for the disgruntled investors with their mismanaged foray at the $1 mark . ----THERE WILL BE NO CROSS, ---that makes no sense whatsoever . --Why do a cross at a certain high value, and give the rejects at $1 any money ,when you have the disgruntled by the N''''TS , and the new partner,friendly/ long term/ great sales team/ great connections/, can get in lower . -----YES: ITS up to Fidelity to get our new partner their shares without a total crater of the price. Walk it lower? : Of course:Water torture for the $1 boys selling , but its not going off the map . ---Dyment knows this, its all textbook managing by Dyment , the partner, and Fidelity, who has been doing a great job at keeping the market stable. Lower of course,it has to be ,get the rejects out ,get the new partner in : the contracts PR'S are waiting .