RE:When you're the king, there's always little ankle bittersMan, would give it a rest. Your so easy.
bagcheese wrote: Why are ARX guys on this board?
ARX's share price is the ultimate symbol of the markets desire for it, which is not as desirable as TOU. Say what you want but the market place clearly and justly prefers TOU..
Just becasue TOU has ran up and ARX at the same time went down and is now just breaking even is no correlation to future performance such as this ratio ideal ARX fans are talking about. ARX is flat over the last 3 months or as investors call 'DEAD MONEY'
Now that ARX is just barely breaking even over that time period, their all talky and camparing themselves to a company that went up 33% in the same time period ARX went down 35%.. Like are we just suppose to forget the fact the market, managers and credit scorers prefer TOU by far and don't even mention ARX in the same breathe when making recommendations and targets...
Did TOU investors go to the ARX board to post negative stuff about ARX...NOPE, the insecure ARX investors came to the TOU and started posting insecure junk... it's cute watching the son (ARX) try to arm wrestle big pappy though