RE:RE:RE:Topline Royalties Carry a bigger cost I don't even read your posts and nobody else here does either. We all just want to know why you rockpiles are on the TOU board. Do any of you actually think;
a) we or anyone would ever sell TOU shares to. Y that debt ridden company ARX that only 6 weeks ago ARX supporters we calling for their removal?
b) anyone new to either of these two company's would actually pick ARX over TOU?
I wouldn't put ARX shares in my account if they were given to me and some how you nose breathers suddenly now support your zero guidance management team that has no guidance whatsoever and a company totally reliant on the commodity price and that has cut its dividend twice in the last year.
give you're heads a shake. ARX is a disaster, it goes up a couple bucks a share and you all start comparing it to TOU. Like seriously hahahahahahaba it's f'n embarrassing to watch