Half avg daily volume traded in the first 40 minutes....Lots of demand for shares folks. This will very likely continue its rise today.
But watch volume carefully ..also watch the behaviopur close to closing....a pick up in volume and price means a new high on close and potential for another rise the following day
When demand for shares falls...again watch the volume and price behavior...you may want to lock in some gains
NEVER be afraid to take some profit. My own strategy is to buy as many thousand shares as I can ots and sell some 1000 lots on the way up...maybe even buy some back on dips....to end up holding some for the long term if it makes sense.
Sometimes it does not....I'm totally out of my big gainers from last yea with the exception of one stock which declined but I have a lot of faith and have accumulated big time
Each of my runners did exceptionally well, but ALL declined as well aftwerward to settle in a less "exhuberant" pirce range ...sorry Topper...but witness NTAR. You are not alone in that my other runners...PYR, HPQ, IP also declined after sharp increases
Its simply the nature of the beast we tackle. Most specs will rise spectacularly then settle back.
No NXO is unlikely to be the exception. It may rise to say $9 on lots of attention, news, sentiment etc...but it WILL come down when the attention fades.
NEVER be afraid to take a profit