RE:Golden BCOH YEAH,,,that OLE music jus grabs the heart in so many ways. But on my stuff "I" have to admit is pretty S_itty stuff and gets way the back off track, its as if "I" lost in the 60s all over agin(?)/!!!!!!!
But it passes the time as we get the SH_T kicked out of us here and we will keep SEEING all LONGs getting it punched in the face until we pass out or are passed the PEA and even at the DOOR to production certification. What was my long opinion is, that We were set UP to be a classic "RED HEADED STEPCHILD. That is how AMK has been treated by(?), and unless we or there was a way to stop the PPS killers we will jus need to stay on the HORSE.
Remember this, some of the BRONK RIDERS go home broke and broken the ones that win the prize can go home but go HOME with a very HUGH PURSE, just a few months ago I met some BRONKS at a Wendys down in ORANG COUNTY'CA,, they were in town for a RODEO their take($$$$) for a show was a simple $150.00, but a WIN was $100,000.00 for a winning ride. To me they were jus kids and full of go get em HOPE to win the BIG prise. They had won good purses over time but had not as of then got the BIG one. An don't fool yourself WE have'nt got the BIG ONE here as of yet. As was mentioned by one poster about a year ago stated that we do not want to get thrown off the BRONK. Jus whisper sometihing like this to yourself as was said many times here. Cost to find 1 ounce of GOLD, 1DOLLAR$. YEAH WE WIN YEAH !!!!!!!!!!! Anything worth while is worth waiting for.