bnchYou can but everytime jermery emailed back but after owning all the propertys jermery out of the blue ceo. Phone call come on i called at least 30 times why do you think I post holding alot of shares. Why do you think I say click click stop asking stupid questions and ask what the . These guys are out of it. Think conference calls stupid like really stupid questions my question never made or ever been asked on all conference calls. Like think what I'm saying how many questions from a guy name helmet hi Jim do you think bnch can make 3 million oz. Pause 5 questions later from helmet again is it going to be open pit or not. Pause fu.cking my question you said drill all year round I said no way my question stop playing games tell us the truth. If you open up give it to them see straight threw them your out but if your a deep tr...oat bend over ask questions that make no senses your in. Im a true person and think about who bought at alot bigger price that's been lied two. In truth I am up a 3 bagger I bought and held bnch at the dollar range posted to bring it on and will buy up all shares and did. You are either fake are not im not. Bt