Price Forecasts - $17.60 - Average for Oct ForecastsArx is looking like a very good investment in the short and long term future. This is not news for most here, but the 4 price forecasts issued in October average $17.62 (56% over current price of$11.80). Raymond James @ $17.50, CIBC @ $16, Scotiabank @ $22, and Tudor Pickering at $15 all are very aware of Arx's current hedges and yet all are very bullish on Arc. IMO those who have recently sold or who are considering selling may regret doing so as I see Arx taking a nice step up towards the $14 mark. This could easily happen by or on the 3rd quarter results. Yes they have some paper loss's because of hedging, but the hedging falls off considerably going forward and the analysts see this. You can be guaranteed the above 4 financial institutions are loading up on Arx shares as we speak.
i am not a large investor like some here, but my current two largest holdings are Arx and Tou. I absolutely dislike the negative postings on this site. It is fine for posters to point out their opinions positive and negative, but consistently stating the same criticism day after day is depressing to read. Make your point and leave. As some have suggested it maybe related to a short position.
This is a great company and I believe current investors will be extremely happy with their return. As hedging starts to fall off try getting into this stock at $11:80. Good luck.
I also do not like the rivalry between Tou and Arx. It is totally unnecessary as they without a doubt are two of the top Canadian NG (probably are the top 2) producers. Good luck to all.