RE:RE:Wayned52It's a waste of time to reply to drunken sots who are also idiots.
So I will waste 3 minutes of my time.
The share price was moribund at 4-6 cents until early early 2020 when Dato announced that he had reacquired 30 m shares.
It bounced to the 12 cent level but volatile.
About June or so of 2020, SH posters including myself found out that actions were being considered by our EU shareholders to force Cathy to give them their long promised dividend.
I won't go into the options that were discussed but the possibility alone sent the share price above $0.15.
Cathy however would not agree to any such option, so voting her out via a strongly worded letter to Cathy with time dependent response was delivered.
Whatever the impetus or drivers were, Baldock resigned and Dato came onboard.
Sequentially, several positive developments ensued.......Mengaoher sale for +30 million but costing us $126 m US...and those funds being used to develop Murchison and Floatation.
By then we were in the spring of 2021 and the share price hit its 10 year high.
It gradually retracted from that level , as it became obvious that executive management lacked four critical drivers of market cap..........Timely disclosure , persistent failure to hit benchmarks , ignorance of their required role in running a public company , and complete inability to sell the company to public investors .
Running through all of these factors is the fact that management has been perennially entitled, perennially entrenched , perenially incompetent, perenlly corrupt, and perenially impervious to their responsibility as servants of the shareholders of a public company.
So, they buy Mengaoher for $126 m US and sell it for $30 m , not counting the costs of greased palms .
They give away Tuckanarra for $5 m and it soars to a market cap of $90 m.
And, we are now back to $0.14 as once again, they have not met their benchmarks for delivering drill results.
And now you have that drunken sot of our IR posting here when he should be trying to get at least one or two facts straight in his NRs