RE:recent interview with Smallcap Discovery, interestingIf he can grow revenues by 30% for the next half a dozen years, we will be laughing. But I am not convinced that the current strategy on focusing on less than two handfuls of existing corporate accounts will do it. If it will, then they surely wasted a lot of time figuring it out. One team should hit the existing corporate accounts hard, and another team hit new clients even harder. Some of that healthy working capital should be put to use if they are as confident as they portray. Aim to build back better, faster. Get some serious partners to peddle the sales and marketing for non-turnkey stuff like BEI and GEM. I like the line where he says that companies don't seem to care about the 3-5 year payback anymore, but we wouldn't be able to fill orders fast enough if that were the case, plus with current energy levels, without jacking up prices significantly, our paybacks in Europe are less than a year. Start drinking some colas, Pepsi or something, and get acting on that sugar rush. Speaking of which, US$20,000,000,000 last quarterly revenues. Can you spare an annual $10 million investment to look good and to profit from for the next couple of decades after it had paid off in a couple of years?