Janota question: Company Registrations Hello Janota,
Can you provide any explanation why there are multiple registrations and Cadastro Nacional da Pessoa Jurdica (CNPJ) numbers issued for the name VERDE FERTILIZANTES LTDA? Here is what comes up online:
CNPJ: 08.000.607/0001-83 Date opened: 16/05/2006
Registered Belo Horizonte/MG with share capital of R$60,000,000
CNPJ: 08.000.607/0002-64 Date opened: 20/07/2011
Registered Sao Gotardo/MG with share capital of R$60,000,000
CNPJ: 08.000.607/0004-26 Date opened: 12/05/2021
Registered Matutina/MG with share capital of R$60,000,000
Does a company in Brazil have to have a unique CNPJ identifier for each municipality in which it operates?
Thanks for your help with this question.