Who is Fingerprint42?Well, from what I undestand this guy let people think its Bob Moriarty.
He imitates Bob's style by caliing names and being aggressive, he pretends to be always right (while in fact he hasn't so far with NVO).
Then, why should BM posts on chatboards (I remember he says they are a waste of time) under a anonymous handle with no credential? On his website Bob publicly declares that he has financial relations witht he company he posts so he doesn't mislead people because he doesn't hide his potential bias.
Moreover, on CEO this finger has been posting a lot of bullshit about grade, AISC, productions, etc. BM has a famous website with lots of follower so he knows what he talks about. Finger can't be BM....
Hey Bob, you should sue this guy, he is jeopardizing your reputation and your book sales.
@fingerprint42 125,000 to 150,000 ounces a year once in stable operation at a cost of $800 to $900
@fingerprint42 And by the way, my estimate is well short of the AISC, I wasn't being a parrot.
@fingerprint42 "please come back in a few months and either rub our noses in it or apologize for being so stupid. Don't let the door bang you in the butt on the way out.
@Fabrix72 @fingerprint42 Ok so both are conglomerate and both are gold bearing conglomerate. And both don’t have much gold and both can’t be mined without a lot of dilution. They sound like identical twins to me. Do you think I should short more Fingers?
@Fabrix72 @fingerprint42 Q mentioned sulphides for fresh at BC. Do you think they are both acid generating? He said the fresh is suphides. Thats often where theres acid and arsenic.
@fingerprint42 Fabrix72: Actually you should get a life, you clearly have something missing. Do you really come here just to ask the dumbest questions you can?
@fingerprint42 Danny: A PEA gives guesses at what it will cost to go into production and how much you can produce and how much profit you can make at a given price of gold. Since Novo is already in production, the numbers are pretty meaningless. Actual results are a lot more valid than predictions.
@Fabrix72 Yes @fingerprint42 but my memory says that the second $25 million available to be drawn until March 31 2021 was upon delivery of a ""PRE-FEASIBILITY-STUDY"" on the Beatons Creek Project and not "UPON A PEA"...So,like you said,the PEA is meanless so why spending so much money to do it?...You told me that when Novo arranged the loan to buy the mill they were required to submit a PEA by March 31 (but this seems to be not true..they had to submit the PFS and not the PEA)..so why did they spend the money for the PEA?? Since I am not as smart as @mrbubba and @afarmer let me ask you a question: What's the difference between a PEA and a PFS?
@fingerprint42 Fabrix72: Dealing with you is just like dealing with an ex-wife determined to get even with you and everything you say is immediately turned into a weapon used to beat you to death. If the PEA cost $50,000 and doesn't add anything, it's at worse, a $50,000 mistake, pretty meaningless in the scheme of things. You show no insight into running a mining company and want everything to be a battle to the death. Chill out.
@Fabrix72 @fingerprint42 If the PEA cost $50,000 and doesn't add anything why doing it?...for Sprott? (you said that)...nope because what they asked was the PFS so Why?
@fingerprint42 Fabrix72:Do put your money where your mouth is. If you believe all that is true, you owe to yourself to short the stock and give us an image of the confirmation. Otherwise you are just another rhinestone cowboy.
@Fabrix72 Hey @fingerprint42 I bet the last 2021 quartile AISC won’t be below Usd.1400/oz while you bet It won’t be up Usd.1.000/oz (that’s what you said right?).
The one who gets closer is the smart while the other one is the fool…so no money prize…only smart vs fool…deal?..
""""2 April 2021""""